Disaster Risk reduction( DRR): In Nepal, Dalit community are being excluded in social and cultural spheres, and are deprived from education, health, political participation, income generating opportunities, and information. Within the total population, 46% of Dalit population is under the poverty line, which results in their vulnerable situation, settlement, which result in disaster and climate change prone areas. Therefore, the impact of disaster and climate change is huge, where Dalit community could not overcome easily.

JMC has been advocating on disaster and climate change issues in different ways. Through media mobilization such as television program, radio program, street drama, PSA/Jingles, workshop, seminar, JMC is awarding Dalit community on environmental issues for building safety preparedness, and in other has been advocating with policy maker / duty holders for resolving Dalit’s problems or uplift Dalit and marginalized condition after disaster. Meantime, VOLIKA LAGI AJAI, radio programs has been produced and broadcasted on Dalit and Disaster issues, and disseminated at local and national radio stations.